Non-/Tech. Terminology

February 26, 2009 at 11:41 pm (Technology) (, , , , )

As technology becomes more prevalent in our society, I look forward to seeing more technical jargon.  That is, technical jargon used correctly but in non-technical situations.  Admittedly, we do already have quite a bit and I don’t mean Hollywood‘s usuage.

Here are some words and my suggested usage!

While thrashing between watching a mystery movie and baking cookies I missed the main reveal and burnt my cookies.

Sorry I forgot your name, I suffered a stack overflow during Freshman orientation.

I page faulted the directions to the house and had to Google Map it on my mobile phone.

I pwned the jar today by opening it using the hot water trick.

Although chocolate chip cookies have a high latency; they also have a high throughput!

When hosting a party, I tend to wash my table cloth first since it has the highest lead time.

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